Saturday, September 13, 2008

Downtown Halifax

this cemetary just is kinda in the middle of the city across from st marys bacilica. it looks like it was there and the city is just kind of around it... its different... its pretty when the sun is shining. its prolly very dramatically depressing when its today. but this was taken yesterday morning when it was bright and sunny out.

i love how it looks like the city just ends at the water. and then starts again on the other side.
the buildings here are awsome.

ok this just struck me as funny. its like he is a living commercial ad. there was a sign out...which this girl in front of me is blocking, but it said "ESCAPE with your favourite magazine." and this guy in the chair with his feet up in the middle of the city just sits there for hours just reading this magazine... he was there all morning. its awsome cuz he just looks so out of place.


Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

Hey. Welcome back! Cool pictures of the 'Fax. (Do people call it that, like here we say the 'Peg?)

Anyway, have fun wandering and taking pictures!


9:56 PM

Blogger SarahH/Miss Molly Vampire said...

no most people ive heard call it 'Hali'.

6:54 AM


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