Monday, November 05, 2007

Pixie cut

Ok Tash. I'm taking your advice and getting a pixie cut. What do you think??

The lady who cut my hair now wants a similar haircut and when i was leaving she said she wished she had the guts to cut all her hair off. When she started to cut my hair, she was like, "Are you ready?" And i said, "Don't worry i wont get mad, it's just hair. It'll grow back." And she just laughed and said, "if only it were that simple sometimes..." But yea. I already think this haircut is alot of fun and it's only been a half hour since i got it cut...
Love you all!


Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

The hair is AWESOME. Way to go. Going short isn't all that scary. And if you do happen to hate it, it will grow back - told myself and my hairdresser too.

Love it.

7:10 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's not only short, it is quite ORANGE!!

Well, that's our girl!

12:48 PM

Blogger Cory and Tash Doerksen said...

I thought that was lighting! What's hair for if you can play with it, right? I think blue would look great. There's this girl on "10 Years Younger" (a TLC show) who has a pixie cut and it's either purple or pink or blue and it looks really good! As long as you don't let the roots grow out!


8:08 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh my!

Well, Sarah is Sarah, and no one is going to change that!

Bright pink with blue down the middle...let's get CRAZY!

...or not...

4:31 AM


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